Podcast interview med Bea Fagerholt, To The Moon, Honey.
Interview with our founder, My Seline von Appen Keller ( in danish )
April 21, 2022, To The Moon, Honey Podcast
My Seline von Appen Keller vokser op på Christiania med sin mor og sin søster. Det er en hård opvækst, hvor My i en meget ung alder lærer at klare sig selv. Hun er dygtig i skolen, hun ser godt ud og har et stærkt drive om et andet liv – men hun kæmper med at finde fodfæste i tilværelsen, indtil hun møder sin mand, der kommer fra Rungsted og giver hende troen på egne evner. Det er en rørerende og stærk fortælling om at finde sin vej i livet, om at forlige sig med sin fortid og ikke længere føle sig som et fattigt barn fra Christiania og om at finde hjem i moderskabet for sine fire børn og i skabelsen af børnetøjbrandet CO Label.
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MILK MAGAZINE interview by Helene LaHalle, photos by Line Thit Klein.
Interview for MILK MAGAZINE, 2020
Reserved and discreet by nature, My (pronounce "Miju") admits straight away that she took it upon herself to receive us. A franchise that echoes the sincerity with which she designs CO Label, a unisex wardrobe for children from 3 months to 12 years old.We therefore take as a token of confidence the opportunity she offers us to glimpse her interior, a place where family and professional life come together, the two being intimately linked. This meeting also allows us to perceive a little of My herself, CO Label being definitely infused with her personal journey.Born into a hippie community, she grew up alongside her mother in Christiania until she was 11, before getting closer to her father and entering a boarding school at 12, an age at which the need for privacy - hardly compatible with life in community - is felt. The result: a childhood cradled by an extremely free and creative environment on the one hand, mixed with a more rigorous adolescence on the other. A duality of which she has made a richness, having been able to take advantage of each of these periods.
Far from being a posture born with Co Label in 2017, My's eco-consciousness is indeed an intrinsic value of its DNA, the fruit of a childhood fed up with the rejection of excessive consumption.
It is therefore natural for her to take care of her affairs and make them last as long as possible, just as she has inherited a desire to maintain genuine human relationships, where everyone is considered at their fair value. From her adolescence she has retained a pronounced taste for a certain classicism with a "less is more" spirit, which, by her own admission, was perhaps born from a need for a return to visual calm after a prime youth in colorama. Flower Power.
Read the full interview here