A 2-year right of complaint is granted under the Purchasing Act. Our right of complaint applies to defects in materials and / or fabrication.

The complaint does not apply to errors or damage caused by improper operation of the product / service.

CO LABEL APS will cover return costs to a reasonable extent.

Upon return
Legal notice and complaints are sent to:

CO Label ApS

Bredgade 4,4 mf

1260 KBH. K

Packages will not be sent on demand.

If a refund has been agreed upon, please send your bank details so that we can transfer the agreed amount.

A full return of 14 days is given on items purchased in our webshop.
The period is counted from the day you receive the order.

Return costs must be borne by yourself.

Cancellation must be notified to us no later than 14 days after the purchase and from the cancellation you must return within 14 days of returning the shipment.

The notification shall be given per mail at In the message, please let us know clearly that you wish to exercise your right of withdrawal. You can also choose to use our default cancellation form and send by return. You can find it here

The condition of the product when you return it
You are liable only for any deterioration of the value of the item due to handling other than what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and manner of the item. In other words - you can try the product in the same way as if you tried it in a physical store.

If the product is tested beyond what is described above, we consider the one used, which means that, in the case of withdrawal of the purchase, only a portion or none of the purchase amount will be returned, depending on the merchant's commercial value.

In order to receive the full purchase amount, you must do the same as you can at a physical store. You must test the product, but do not take it in real use.

Complaints - overview and links:
If you have a complaint about a product purchased in our webshop, a complaint may be sent to:

Or by mail to:

CO Label ApS
Frederiksberg Alle 26, 4 tv
DK-1820 Fredetiksberg C





For at handle hos os skal du oplyse dit navn, email og adresse. Vi bruger dette kun i forbindelse med at sende din ordre til det rette sted, sende dig en mail med en ordrebekræftelse og en update på email om, når din ordre er sendt.

·Vi vil aldrig videregive dine informationer til en tredje part og aldrig dele dine data andetsteds.
·Vi vil aldrig sende dig uønskede mails. Du modtager kun mails fra os, hvis du tilmelder dig vores nyhedsbrev.
·Vi gemmer kun dit navn, email og adresse i vores system af regnskabsmæssige årsager i henhold til bogføringsloven.



To shop with us, please provide your name, email and address. We use this only when sending your order to the right place, sending you an email with an order confirmation and an update on email when your order has been sent.

· We will never disclose your information to a third party and never share your data elsewhere.
· We will never send you unwanted mails. You only receive mail from us if you sign up for our newsletter.
· We only store your name, email and address in our system for accounting reasons in accordance with the Accounting Act.


CVR: 39166291

CO Label ApS
Frederiksberg Alle 26, 4 tv
1820 Frederiksberg. C


CO LABEL APS modtager betaling med Dankort/VISA-Dankort, VISA, VISA Electron, Mastercard og PayPal. Betaling vil først blive trukket på din konto, når varen afsendes.

Alle beløb er i DKK. Danske kroner og er inkl. moms.

CO LABEL APS bruger en godkendt betalingsserver, der krypterer alle dine kortoplysninger med SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protokol. Det betyder, at man ikke kan aflæse dine informationer.

CO LABEL sender mandag og torsdag med ordre indgået senest dagen inden kl. 12.00

CO LABEL APS anvender GLS eller DAO.


CO LABEL APS receives payment with Dankort / VISA-Dankort, VISA, VISA Electron, Mastercard and JCB. Payment will only be deducted from your account when the item is shipped.

All amounts are in DKK. Danish kroner and incl. VAT.

CO LABEL APS uses an authorized payment server that encrypts all your card information with the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. This means that you can not read your information.

CO LABEL sends orders on Mondays and Thursdays placed no later than the day before. 12:00




Der ydes 2 års reklamationsret i henhold til købeloven. Vores reklamationsret gælder for fejl i materiale og/eller fabrikation.

Reklamationen gælder ikke fejl eller skader begået ved forkert betjening af produktet

CO LABEL APS vil dække returneringsomkostninger i et rimeligt omfang.

Ved returnering
Rettes henvendelse til og reklamationer sendes til:

Frederiksberg Alle 26, 4 tv
DK-1820 Frederiksberg C

Der modtages ikke pakker sendt på efterkrav.

Hvis der er aftalt refusion, så bedes I sende jeres bankoplysninger, så vi kan overføre det aftalte beløb.

Der gives 14 dages fuld returret på varer købt i vores Webshop.
Perioden regnes fra den dag, hvor du modtager ordren.

Returneringsomkostninger skal du selv afholde.

Fortrydelse skal anmeldes til os senest 14 efter købet og fra fortrydelsen skal I senest 14 dage efter returnere forsendelsen.

Meddelelsen skal gives pr. mail på I meddelelsen skal du gøre os tydeligt opmærksom på, at du ønsker at udnytte din fortrydelsesret. Du kan også vælge at benytte vores standard fortrydelsesformular og sende med retur. Den finder du her

Varens stand, når du sender den retur
Du hæfter kun for eventuel forringelse af varens værdi, som skyldes anden håndtering, end hvad der er nødvendigt for at fastslå varens art, egenskaber og den måde, den fungerer på. Med andre ord – du kan prøve varen på samme måde, som hvis du prøvede den i en fysisk butik.

Hvis varen er prøvet udover, hvad der er beskrevet ovenfor, betragter vi den som brugt, hvilket betyder, at du ved fortrydelse af købet kun får en del eller intet af købsbeløbet retur, afhængig af varens handelsmæssige værdi.

For at modtage hele købsbeløbet retur må du altså gøre det samme, som man kan i en fysisk butik. Du må afprøve varen, men ikke tage den i egentlig brug.

Klagemuligheder – oversigt og links:
Har du en klage over et produkt, købt i vores webshop, kan der sendes en klage til:

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsens Center for Klageløsning
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
2500 Valby

Hvis du er forbruger med bopæl i et andet EU-land, kan du angive din klage i EU Kommissionens online klageplatform.

Platformen findes her:
Angiver du en klage her, skal du oplyse vores E-mail adresse:


A 2-year right of complaint is granted under the Purchasing Act. Our right of complaint applies to defects in materials and / or fabrication.

The complaint does not apply to errors or damage caused by improper operation of the product / service.

CO LABEL APS will cover return costs to a reasonable extent.

Upon return
Legal notice and complaints are sent to:

CO Label ApS
Frederiksberg Alle 26, 4 tv
DK-Frederiksberg C

Packages will not be sent on demand.

If a refund has been agreed upon, please send your bank details so that we can transfer the agreed amount.

A full return of 14 days is given on items purchased in our webshop.
The period is counted from the day you receive the order.

Return costs must be borne by yourself.

Cancellation must be notified to us no later than 14 days after the purchase and from the cancellation you must return within 14 days of returning the shipment.

The notification shall be given per mail at In the message, please let us know clearly that you wish to exercise your right of withdrawal. You can also choose to use our default cancellation form and send by return. You can find it here

The condition of the product when you return it
You are liable only for any deterioration of the value of the item due to handling other than what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and manner of the item. In other words - you can try the product in the same way as if you tried it in a physical store.

If the product is tested beyond what is described above, we consider the one used, which means that, in the case of withdrawal of the purchase, only a portion or none of the purchase amount will be returned, depending on the merchant's commercial value.

In order to receive the full purchase amount, you must do the same as you can at a physical store. You must test the product, but do not take it in real use.

Complaints - overview and links:
If you have a complaint about a product purchased in our webshop, a complaint may be sent to:

Or by mail to:

CO Label ApS
Frederiksberg Alle 26, 4 tv
DK-1820 Frederiksberg C





For at handle hos os skal du oplyse dit navn, email og adresse. Vi bruger dette kun i forbindelse med at sende din ordre til det rette sted, sende dig en mail med en ordrebekræftelse og en update på email om, når din ordre er sendt.

·Vi vil aldrig videregive dine informationer til en tredje part og aldrig dele dine data andetsteds.
·Vi vil aldrig sende dig uønskede mails. Du modtager kun mails fra os, hvis du tilmelder dig vores nyhedsbrev.
·Vi gemmer kun dit navn, email og adresse i vores system af regnskabsmæssige årsager i henhold til bogføringsloven.



To shop with us, please provide your name, email and address. We use this only when sending your order to the right place, sending you an email with an order confirmation and an update on email when your order has been sent.

· We will never disclose your information to a third party and never share your data elsewhere.
· We will never send you unwanted mails. You only receive mail from us if you sign up for our newsletter.
· We only store your name, email and address in our system for accounting reasons in accordance with the Accounting Act.


Regular price 200,00 DKK
Sale price 200,00 DKK Regular price
Regular price 100,00 DKK
Sale price 100,00 DKK Regular price
Regular price 120,00 DKK
Sale price 120,00 DKK Regular price
Regular price 120,00 DKK
Sale price 120,00 DKK Regular price 0,00 DKK